The initial cost of a lubricant has very little impact on the total cost of lubrication. But your choice of lubricant can have a dramatic impact. SWEPCO®’s Lubrication Cost Improvement Analysis provides a simple cost analysis of all lubrication-related expenses. By answering a few basic questions about your current lubrication, maintenance, and repair activities, maintenance managers can receive a report that reveals the true impact of their lubricant choices.
The report will also reveal opportunities for reduction of costs and improvement in profits.
The SWEPCO® Cost Improvement Analysis is free and can be used for any of the following applications:
- Bearings
- Gearboxes & Transmissions
- Mobile & Stationary Engines
- Compressors
- Hydraulic Systems
It’s Simple…
Just fill out a simple questionnaire. In return, you will receive a free cost analysis that not only reveals your current costs but also reveals opportunities to reduce those costs and improve profits.
- j11617_CIAbearings
- j11618_CIAcompressors
- j11619_CIAengines
- j11620_CIAgearboxes
- j11621_CIAhydraulics
- j11655_CIAstationarygearboxes
- J11656_CIAatf
Select the form that applies to your installation.
Complete page 1 and send it to us by email at
On page 2 you will see an example for each form.
Free Cost Improvement Analysis
- Reveals the true costs of your lubrication program
- Consolidate all information into one simple report
- Identify opportunities to reduce costs & improve profits